Careers in Chemical Engineering: Beverly Mentzer
Beverly Mentzer, Chemical Engineering Industrial Career Counselor at Purdue University, shares insights from her 33-year career with ExxonMobil.
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CISTAR Graduate Fellows
Graduate students engaged with CISTAR research across all sites are called CISTAR Graduate Fellows. Our Fellows have unique opportunities to not only engage in ...
Featured CISTAR Undergraduate Fellow
Jeanette Hill, an undergrad chemical engineering student at Purdue University, talks about her interest in ChE, experience with CISTAR, and her career path.
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K-12 Teachers and Students
CISTAR is committed to broadening participation in engineering and actively promotes the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM through ...
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Engineering Workforce Development
Courses and Professional Development
CISTAR offers graduate-level courses and professional development opportunities.
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Engineering Workforce Development
CISTAR Undergraduate Fellows
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Engineering Workforce Development
Undergraduate & Community College Students
Undergraduate & Community College Students
Learn about the opportunities available to undergraduate students.
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Engineering Workforce Development