CISTAR Visit to C2C Partners in Brazil
Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ)
Fabio Ribeiro, CISTAR Director, joined the first part of the trip Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) where they visited the chemical engineering. They were welcomed by their host, Prof. Mauricio Bezerra de Souza Junior, João Monnerat Araujo Ribeiro de Almeida and Pedro Nothaft Romano. The CISTAR team members presented an overview of CISTAR and the C2C program, research progress on the development of thermally-stable and regenerable catalysts as well as the Growing Intercultural Global Energy Leaders (GIGEL) certificate program, to chemical engineering faculty and students.
The visitors were given a tour of the laboratories, including the petroleum characterization and catalysis labs. The research groups will soon be relocating to a new building, which will be equipped with advanced electron microscopy equipment, which will further enhance their research capabilities. UFRJ research programs are directly related to CISTAR’s mission leading to more opportunities for collaboration.
The University of São Paulo (USP) and RCGI
The visit was hosted by Prof. Cláudio Augusto Oller do Nascimento. USP students and researchers provided detailed presentations on three of the C2C projects, led respectively by Prof. Oller, Prof. Rita Alves and Prof. Celma Rodriguez. The facilities in the chemical engineering department feature equipment for researching CO2 utilization and catalysis. Later in the week, Datye and Driscoll returned to USP’s chemical engineering department to meet Professor Martin Schmal.
The Federal University of ABC (UFABC)
Dr. Denise Driscoll gave a two hour talk to graduate students on global dexterity and a talk in the afternoon to undergraduate students on implicit bias.