2022 CISTAR Center News

2022 CISTAR Year 5 NSF Renewal Site Visit Recap

CISTAR welcomed team members from the center's partner institutions, the Industrial Advisory Board chairs, and the National Science Foundation Site Visit Team (NSF SVT) to Purdue University on June 3-4, 2022 for the center’s first partial, in-person meeting in over two years.

2022 CISTAR Biannual Meeting at the University of Notre Dame

The 2022 CISTAR Biannual meeting took place October 17-19, 2022 at the University of Notre Dame. This was the first fully in-person, center-wide meeting in the last two years with industry members, CISTAR Fellows, faculty, and staff from all five partner universities.

Are you following CISTAR?

If you didn't know, CISTAR is on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have a moment, please visit our pages, follow our accounts and share our content when possible to attract new followers.

CISTAR Welcomes New Faculty Member, Can Li

Prof. Can Li joined Purdue University and CISTAR as an Assistant Professor in June 2022.

CISTAR Featured Undergraduate Fellows

In this newsletter, we are featuring a few of our CISTAR Undergraduate Fellows and their achievements.  If you would like to have a graduate or undergraduate student featured on our website and in the next newsletter, please e-mail Brittany Bright at bright9@purdue.edu.

EWD Update: 2022 CISTAR Summer Programs

The CISTAR labs were full of visiting researchers this summer as all of our educational programs resumed in-person activities! Faculty and graduate mentors worked with undergraduates for the REU and REM programs at Purdue, the RET program continued for its third year at the University of Texas at Austin. Each of the CISTAR campuses hosted two high school students as part of the Young Scholars program. In all, 32 individuals gained research experience with CISTAR.

Industry & Innovation Update

U.S. NGL and Ethylene Industry Continues to Expand By: Bruce Cook, CISTAR, Research and Industry Advisor

CISTAR Featured Publications

CISTAR's Featured Publications

CISTAR Awards & Recognitions

CISTAR faculty and fellow awards and recognitions.

Center-to-Center (C2C) Updates and the Growing Intercultural Global Energy Leaders (GIGEL) program

CISTAR's Alexander Dowling and the University of São Paulo professors give seminars at each other's universities as part of the C2C grant. The first session of the summer graduate certificate program, Growing Intercultural Global Energy Leaders (GIGEL) was created by CISTAR’s ASI director, Dr. Driscoll, to address the goals outlined in the C2C grant. Dr. Driscoll summarizes the successes of the program in the following article.

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